EPA announced that it will step back from the investigation for The Wyoming Department of Environmental Quality and the Wyoming Oil and Gas Conservation Commission to further investigate groundwater conditions around Pavillion with support from the EPA.
A new investigation by the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) at a site in Wyoming is one of the first to look thoroughly at the potential link between fracking operations and groundwater contamination. The agency’s report provides a clear link between...
In December 2011, Ars reported on a major EPA study in Pavillion, Wyoming that concluded hydraulic fracking operations there had contaminated the groundwater aquifer. While there wasn’t a clear link to contamination detected in some shallow private water wells, EPA...
A new research conducted by Texas Tech University scientists has found that low doses of both estrogen and arsenic together – even at levels low enough to be considered “safe” for humans if they were on their own – can cause cancer in prostate cells. Kamaleshwar...
Researchers said better planning among drillers, with government and citizen involvement, are key to realizing a lot of the best recommendations. Collaboration can put multiple pipelines into one right-of-way and ensure drilling happens at times when vegetation is...