Whiff of Phenol Spells Trouble

Phenol, a deadly chemical used in Aristech Chemical Corp.’s process of drilling, is known to cause internal burns, muscle spasms and organ failure. Environmental regulators suspect that the chemical is somehow drifting upward in one the of company’s sites. If...

Injection Wells: The Poison Beneath Us

There are more than 680,000 underground waste and injection wells nationwide, more than 150,000 of which shoot industrial fluids thousands of feet below the surface. Scientists and federal regulators acknowledge they do not know how many of the sites are leaking. But...

Possible indicators for CO2 leakage along wells

A preliminary analysis of this information indicates that 4.6% of these wells have recorded surface casing vent flow or gas migration through wellbore annuli or outside casing. Data analysis shows that there is a correlation between these occurrences and economic...