Why Oil Wells Leak: Cement Behavior and Long-Term Consequences

Oil and gas wells can develop gas leaks along the casing years after production has stopped and the well has been plugged and abandoned. Explanations include channeling, poor cake removal, shrinkage, and high cement permeability. The reason is probably cement...

Oh, Canada’s Become a Home for Record Fracking

Though the same themes of balancing economic benefits with environmental harms occurs in Canada as in the U.S., the Canadian western areas’ enthusiastic embrace of large scale fracking provides onlookers with a vision of what could happen if there was less regulation...

Polluted Water Fuels a Battle for Answers

Reverend David Hudson, a resident of DeBerry Texas, sent water from his well to be tested for pollutants after he noticed it had a metallic flavor and sharp smell, and found out that high levels of chlorides and other chemicals found in drilling waste were...