The Straight Scoop on Shale
Sponsored by the League of Women Voters of Pennsylvania
Other Organizations: Sustainable Economy Resources & Tools
Documenting the Current Sustainable Economy & Jobs
Reports and Tools from E2/ Environmental Entrepreneurs
Energy Efficiency Jobs in America – A comprehensive analysis of energy efficiency employment across all 50 states. Released December 2016, shows 1.9 million U.S. jobs in energy efficiency.
Clean Jobs in America March 2016 – A comprehensive analysis of clean energy jobs in America.
Clean Jobs Pennsylvania – 66,000 Pennsylvanians work in clean energy
Our Energy Renewal – A Pennsylvania Clean Energy Map: Add your business!
The Pennsylvania Green Jobs Survey Report 2010, by the PA Dept. of Labor & Industry: Historic, useful to see list of many types/categories of green jobs
Estimating and Marketing Economic Impact of Sustainable Economy
The Solar Foundation produced an excellent example of analyzing and quantifying economic impact. The information is for the U.S. and by state.
In 2016, there were 260,000 solar jobs in the U.S., plus indirect and induced jobs, creating $154 Billion in economic impact in the U.S.
IMPLAN Economic Input-Output Model, developed by MIG Inc.
Resources from Saint Francis University Institute for Energy:
PA Wind Maps – Assess Your Wind Energy Resource:
Renewable Energy Business Directory – Lists more than 75 businesses that install clean energy (biomass, geothermal, hydro, solar, wind, efficiency). Plus tips on questions to ask the installer, etc.
Technical Assistance for Municipalities to Go Solar
SolSmart program “provides recognition and no-cost technical assistance to help local governments reduce barriers to solar energy growth”. SolSmart is funded by the U.S. Dept. of Energy SunShot Initiative.
Union Jobs & the Sustainable Economy
The Blue-Green Alliance
Just Transition in PA
Sustainable Pittsburgh Sustainability Performance programs that serve counties in Southwestern PA
Learn how to become more sustainable, and get recognition for success!
Sustainable Pennsylvania Community Certification (in partnership with the PA Municipal League)
Champions for Sustainability (for local businesses)
Green Workplace Challenge (for businesses, colleges, K-12 schools, local governments and non-profits in southwestern PA)
Sustainable Restaurants (for restaurants operating in southwestern PA)
2030 Districts The 2030 Districts program is a successful model for urban sustainability and economic growth that brings together the private sector, community groups and government. While the program is directed at cities, the 2030 District website has a lot of helpful information.
Getting to the Future
“Finding Pennsylvania’s Solar Future” Pennsylvania Dept. of Environmental Protection Office of Pollution Prevention and Energy Assistance: two-year statewide planning process 2017-2019 to equip PA to produce more solar energy.
The Solutions Project: 100% renewable energy vision
Click on each state and it shows how to supply all energy needs with a mix of renewables (solar pv, onshore & offshore wind, commercial and residential pv, wave devices, geothermal, tidal turbines, hydroelectric, csp plants). It also shows how many jobs renewable energy will create in each state, the cost of energy compared to a fossil fuel mix, and other economic impacts.
Prepared by the League of Women Voters of Pennsylvania, 2017.