The Straight Scoop on Shale

Sponsored by the League of Women Voters of Pennsylvania

Working with Others & Building Coalitions

Your League chapter or group will likely want to start your sustainable economy initiative by planning to hold some kind of event.

The event should have an educational component that educates people about aspects of the clean economy, and a civic engagement component such as a visioning session.

The event can be a daylong conference, or an evening session.  Your event may feature both educational and engagement aspects. It may be primarily educational, or it may be primarily participatory.

Forming a planning committee for this event is an essential beginning step.  You should start at least two months prior to your proposed event date – three months is better (and longer than that even better still).

When you form the planning committee, your League chapter or group should look beyond your own ranks to include others. They can be allies from the past or new connections.

There should be representatives from various sectors of the community – particularly from government and agencies; local colleges and universities; local business groups such as Downtown Partnerships. These sectors want to see the local economy grow, so they share a goal with you.

Working together on planning the first sustainable economy event will build and deepen relationships. Planning group members will bond in celebrating the success of the first event.

This shared experience and the knowledge group members gain by working together will help the group to take steps to implement the ideas for sustainable development projects. Including people in your planning committee from government and agencies, local higher education institutions, and local business groups, will create a foothold for the clean economy projects being proposed.